what we offer

food tourism services
Laureen Rashof is the owner of Food Tourism Management coaching an consulting food tourism businesses and destinations

FTM offers food tourism services for destinations (DMCs and DMOs) and their local businesses in three main categories:

On the one hand, FTM reinforces destinations to identify their authentic food identity and to strategise on how to use it effectively to strengthen their (food) tourism industry. Moreover, FTM promotes and takes over projects such as creating food tourism routes, food festivals or culinary guides. 

On the other hand, local businesses that offer traditional culinary products and services such as breweries, food tours and wine tastings will be supported when it comes to taking their business to the next level or getting the word out. Not only business owners but also future entrepreneurs can take advantage of FTM’s food tourism services. 

strategic management

FTM's food tourism services in strategic management include a food tourism destination strategy and a food tourism business plan:

Food Tourism Destination Development Plan

Do you want to make use of your destination's food culture and preserve its culinary heritage? But you don't know where to start? FTM guides you along the way, starting off by creating a sustainable strategy for developing your food tourism destination.

Food Tourism Business Plan

Are you considering starting your own business in food tourism or bringing it to the next level? Let's check whether your business idea has potential. FTM leads you from developing your idea into a viable business plan and beyond.
project management

FTM's food tourism services in project management include a food tourism destination strategy and a food tourism business plan:

Strategic Project Plan for Food Tourism

You're planning to organise a culinary project for your business or destination? Whether we're talking about a food festival, a signature event, culinary activities or any other food or drink related project, FTM does not only stimulate your creative thinking process but also supports you finalising your project plan.

Operational Project Management in Food Tourism

You're in need of assistance for executing your culinary project, event or activity for your business or destination? Let's connect to find out how FTM can assist you.
marketing management

FTM's food tourism services in marketing management contain strategic marketing planning and operational marketing management:

Strategic Marketing Plan for Food Tourism

Your food tourism destination or your culinary product are all set but you need help getting the word out? Let's sit together to approach the matter strategically. FTM helps you to develop a strategic marketing plan which is in line with your overall business strategy.

Operational Marketing Management in Food Tourism

Your marketing plan is finalised but you need support implementing it? Website building, social media, content management, etc.? Let's check how FTM can help you realise your goals regarding your short-time project or your long-term marketing plan.

HOw we work

This section explains how the food tourism services are offered to the customers.

To get the best results, FTM attaches importance to a collaborative and coaching working approach with regard to its food tourism services. In terms of our strategic management services, FTM combines its industry and strategic management experience with your knowledge about your business or destination. Usually, in all sessions our clients are being coached. However, depending on your needs, FTM may take over a more consulting style. But this is something we will discuss before getting started. Whether you need assistance in executing specific tasks or the entire project to be taken over, FTM offers its operational food tourism services in either way.

what else?

food tourism Training

FTM not only coaches or consults you in managing your food-related project but also offers training in form of workshops and seminars.  You need your team to apply certain skills and knowledge to develop your culinary business or destination in the future?

Contact us to see whether we can assist you in teaching your team to improve your skills.

The trainings are tailored to your individual needs. Possible topics can be:

  • introduction to food tourism
  • strategic tools for the development of food tourism
  • writing a strategic marketing plan for your food (tourism) business or destination
food tourism Presentations

Are you looking for a professional speaker at your conference, fair or a similar event? 

FTM prepares individual speeches and presentations regarding food tourism. Let us know what you need.

For example, possible topics can be:

  • The potential of food tourism
  • How food tourism makes your destination sustainable