food tourism marketing Management

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Food Tourism Marketing Management is essential to promote your food tourism destination or culinary project to actually be able to benefit from the positive impact of sustainable food tourism. Tourists and day trippers need to know about your product before they can consume it. Therefore, FTM offers two marketing services in fostering food tourism:

Social media marketing concerning food and beverages is one of the marketing management services offered by Food Tourism Management.
strategic food tourism marketing plan
Food Tourism Marketing Management Workshop


The Strategic Food Tourism Marketing Plan serves as a guide for promoting your culinary product, project or destination. It outlines the methods that you are going to implement to make your customers buy your food tourism products and services. It entails your marketing strategies, tactics, marketing activities, costs and expected results. Also, all relevant analyses such as regarding your target group and the market you are operating in are included.



In order to bring as many suitable customers to your event or sell your product to as many customers as possible, writing a Strategic Food Tourism Marketing Plan beforehand is critical for its success. Without an appropriate marketing strategy your culinary product, project or food tourism destination will most probably not flourish. Even if it had potential, it would fail as your potential customers would not know about it.

for whom?

Organisations and businesses that want to launch a new product or execute a project that fosters food tourism such as a food festival, a food tour or a food guide, and need support in finding the most suitable marketing strategy for it.


With FTM’s hands-on coaching approach, we will guide you and your team through the process of writing a Strategic Food Tourism Marketing Plan. Depending on your availability, we are going to schedule interactive on- or offline workshops. In those workshops we will explain you everything needed for your marketing plan and mix it up with your insight about your project to get the most sustainable result.

after that?

After having finalised the Strategic Food Tourism Marketing Plan, you will exactly know how to market and how to promote your food tourism project. If suitable, FTM can further assist you in making your project a success. Click here to the read more about FTM’s service of Food Tourism Marketing Management.

Operational Food Tourism Marketing
Preparing and consuming traditionally made dishes are one form of gastronomy tourism.


Operational Food Tourism Marketing means to promote your project, product or food tourism destination according to your corresponding marketing plan (check Strategic Food Tourism Marketing Plan). For example, it can refer to launching a social media campaign, to organising a FAM trip or even to planning a promotion event.


After having finalised your marketing plan for your culinary project/product or your food tourism destination, your marketing strategies need to be executed so that your potential customers can be reached.

for whom?

Organisations and businesses that want to launch a new product or execute a project that fosters food tourism such as a food festival, a food tour or a food guide and need support in promoting the event.


Depending on your necessity, FTM can assist you on a regular basis or just for a certain period of time, e.g. right before your event.

after that?

After that, we are going to talk about how many customers were reached through FTM’s support and whether you were satisfied with our support. We can also talk about potential future collaborations.