Food Tourism Management

WE DEVELOP, MANAGE & MARKET FOOD TOURISM sustainably and strategically

protecting local food cultures &
generating socio-economic benefits

food tourism?

is that a thing?

In the following an introduction about the food tourism industry is provided:

In fact, food tourism forms part of cultural tourism. It is also known as culinary or gastronomy tourism. Undoubtedly, it has developed from a trend into an important economic branch of the tourism industry. As a matter of fact, the global food tourism market reached a value of US$ 696.5 billion in 2021. With an annual growth rate at 17.4%, it is projected to reach a market value of US$ 1,796.5 billion in 2027 (Wood, 2022). As a result, the gastronomy tourism industry needs to be further expanded in order to meet the needs of tourists nowadays. Therefore, destination stakeholders should market it in a sustainable approach to be able to enjoy a significant competitive advantage over other places.

Thus, Food Tourism Management (FTM) specialises in realising the potential of culinary tourism for communities and culinary businesses. Consequently, by operating strategically, managing projects and marketing this form of tourism, FTM aims at generating economic benefits. Besides, FTM concentrates on strengthening the destination’s food identity, thereby protecting its local food heritage.

Examples for the services of Food Tourism are food destination management and food project management:

food management

In the following the food tourism services are presented:

A clearly outlined food identity serves as a strategic asset for a destination. Thus, managing culinary tourism from a strategic perspective is crucial to realise its full potential.

FTM is equipped with the necessary theoretical knowledge to develop food tourism at a destination sustainably in order to generate profits and benefits for people and planet.

In particular, culinary projects which support its destination’s food identity need to be organised to foster the strategy of the general tourism plan.

Together, suitable projects can be realised to strengthen gastronomy tourism. As a result, destination image and the quality of life for locals and tourists will be enhanced.

The appropriate marketing is decisive in manifesting the destination’s authentic food identity. Hence, brand image will be improved and brand awareness increased.

Managing the marketing strategy of the destination’s food identity and its food (tourism) businesses strategically is central in realising its full potential. 

In the following examples for culinary tourism activities are shown in the form of images:

food tourism?

what's that?

why manage food tourism?